As the title of the topic summarizes, this post is about feelings while youth are growing up. For example: Friends, Opposite Gender, Parents, and Stuff.
It would be really good if each person gave us something that they are dealing with now and everyone reading can give advice, and so on. That way, we all benefit from each other's experiences.
God Bless
[coptic]Nansy Mekhail[/coptic]
once you take Christ as your one true friend, there is no person that can knock you down. People will leave you, people will deny you, people will stab you in the back, but none of this is of any consequence, because Christ is ALWAYS by your side.
When you feel down.. look up...
in fact i remember once one of our younger priests was making fun of how he gets a lot of people in confession saying Abouna i like this guy but hes great and hes a deacon and we read the Bible together etc. etc. and he was saying that relationships like that are like wolves in sheeps clothing ... and his answers to the people involved were maybe you should stop reading the Bible then lol... just so no one gets offended .. i think he was just discouraging the relationship and not comdemning the act of reading the Bible... got it guys? ;)!
p.s. i agree with mikey... his thinking is really good especially if youre still a teenager or too young for marriage time... Christ is really all you need 4 now :D
But many that are first shall be last; and the last first.
Always when I'm in a situation with friends, especially when they're not Christian, I repeat this verse in my head. It helps, it's just like counting to ten, you know, to save your patience.
Eph 4:26
Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath
Just don't give the devil the chance to play with your thoughts. People like that are oftenly very insecure, so they try to hide that by acting arrogant.
GBU, keep me in ur prayers
PS- if you have a trouble with a friend -- confront that friend ---if things dont change then maybe thats not a friend worth having
P.S. this is not my first post its just that I kinda deleted my account for a while and then re-registered.
I hope you overcome this.
...God Bless...
Kiro, would you want to drift away from God will then don't think about liking someone this soon, wait until your done with college
o and thank you.
its really funny Mar mar, even when i was a regular poster you always seemed to be saying what iw as thinking.. styill got that charm ;) lol. wierd.. almost sounded like my scenario there... the one you put up as an "against all odds"... hmm... help here?
and wow... pm me sometime.. you sound a lot like me...hehee
20 and 18
I think Kiro is old enough for love