I found a very interesting rebuttal that Muallem Gad Lewis had for adding, for instance, e at the end of epshois so that the lahn has it's beauty and sounds good. He mentions that he has spoken to Ibro about this situation and advised him not to change the hymn in any way, just for pronunciation's sake.
Here it is:

Please let me know what you think about his reasoning. I, personally, like to display articulate pronunciation, so that others who are trying to follow along with the screen or the book can accurately follow what we are saying, or if I'm saying a response in coptic, follow the coptic.
With all due respect to cantor Gad Lewis, this is not the reason. The reason is that it is inherent in Coptic language pronunciation to have pauses and extra syllables between words and more than two or three consonant letters. Look at the colloquial Egyptian Arabic and the way Egyptians speak English. Unfortunately cantor Ibrahim and others are following a move of westernising, hellenising the Coptic language.
Oujai khan ebshois
There is no reason for me to get mad at all. Why would you view me this way?
No, you didn't get my point. What you mentioned with regards fathas, dammas, and kasras belong to the formal Arabic language, not Coptic. But what I meant is that the Coptic language influences colloquial Egyptian Arabic, with the inherent pauses between consonants and words.. I hope I am clear now..
Oujai khan ebshois
Nope, but the example cantor Gad Lewis gave has nothing wrong, grammatically, metrically, or linguistically. He just doesn't know. And also I was not talking particularly about old Bohairic, authentic Bohairic, or Greco-Bohairic! It is interesting why you interpreted it the way you did, but I do believe I know the answer to that..
Oujai khan ebshois
You misunderstood my point. The example that cantor Gad Lewis gave is an Arabic song one, not Coptic. He based his premise on a wrong argument because there was nothing wrong with the example he gave linguistically, metrically or grammatically with regards the Arabic language, as opposed to his claim (following on from others' claims that he was opposing) that Coptic pronunciation is wrong. Anyway, thanks for your opinion because I cannot agree more with what you said. You elaborated on the relationship between the olden ages and the progression of Coptic exactly as I believe.. Well said..
Oujai khan ebshois
I'm generally disenchanted with the basic premise that cantors don't know what they're singing or doing, and that we have/can/should/ought/must correct/intervene.