I don't believe these passages answer @cjsidaros question. They seem to be just descriptions of what has already been pointed out, which is the fact that Satan fell. But I also have the same question. Where could Satan have gotten the idea to do something evil? I have heard many, many times that all of our initial evil thoughts come from the devil. So even though many of my evil thoughts now are self-sustained and constantly build on each other, the first bad idea I ever had came from Satan or at least came from something else which came from something else which came from Satan. (Hopefully that made sense to someone). But where did Satan get his first evil thought from?
God had explained that He found iniquity in satan in Ezekiel 28:15. He exposes satan separation from God in a spiritual sense much in the same way God reveals Himself in the spritual sense. This separation is what Jesus Christ will judge on the final day. In church we pray for the Lord's mercy but we receive it through repentance. It is important that we do the works of ridding ourselfs of the same iniquity as satan and sanctify our Lord Jesus Christ in our hearts.
All creation can change. Many in creation have been given the freedom to both progress and regress based on our will. We progress towards God or regress away from Him. The Angels were not exempt from this ability when created, which is why "a third" fell.
Man had a special glory, a glory which unites physical and spiritual worlds. God concentrated His attention on man. The angel who held the throne of God and closest to Him, the highest in rank, saw himself as more worthy of attention than man.
In Lucifer and his hosts, you find the issue of self-pride and envy, a sin known among the most ascetic people. He was the highest of virtues overcome by an anger against God, not wanting to understand His mercy and His love, but warring against them, as he saw no creation deserves them. Being as one who sees such freedom of movement in creation, he took it upon himself to see if there is a way he can destroy God not directly, but trying to subject His creation to vanity as if to prove God useless.
Those who take God's side trust in His divine providence that all things work for the best, even when things don't look good on the surface. Christ came and showed us by His death, He revealed that there is no vanity in His creation, but salvation. Satan now has to devise a new battlefront, to break the bonds between us and Christ, the one who defeated Lucifer and proved his powerlessness.
There is a lake of fire preserved for Satan. And as members of the Body of Christ baptized with fire, we can be that fire as Christ saves more. His weeping and gnashing is nothing more than his anger of failure, seeing the creation he tried so hard to destroy renewed and deified.
So the lesson of Satan's fall teaches us we have freedom, but we also need to be wary, even in our highest spiritual state. That is why it seems in our sins, Christ perfected us, because now we can taste salvation without taking it for granted. The Angels who stayed with God learned this, and we too will learn this and direct our wills forever Godward, that all creation may be Godward and that every knee shall bow before His Holy Name, an enlightening shine for those who carry His Holy Name in the essence of their beings, and a painful fire for those whose vocation is to try to tarnish the power of His Name.
God had explained that He found iniquity in satan in Ezekiel 28:15. He exposes satan separation from God in a spiritual sense much in the same way God reveals Himself in the spritual sense.
This separation is what Jesus Christ will judge on the final day.
In church we pray for the Lord's mercy but we receive it through repentance. It is important that we do the works of ridding ourselfs of the same iniquity as satan and sanctify our Lord Jesus Christ in our hearts.
Man had a special glory, a glory which unites physical and spiritual worlds. God concentrated His attention on man. The angel who held the throne of God and closest to Him, the highest in rank, saw himself as more worthy of attention than man.
In Lucifer and his hosts, you find the issue of self-pride and envy, a sin known among the most ascetic people. He was the highest of virtues overcome by an anger against God, not wanting to understand His mercy and His love, but warring against them, as he saw no creation deserves them. Being as one who sees such freedom of movement in creation, he took it upon himself to see if there is a way he can destroy God not directly, but trying to subject His creation to vanity as if to prove God useless.
Those who take God's side trust in His divine providence that all things work for the best, even when things don't look good on the surface. Christ came and showed us by His death, He revealed that there is no vanity in His creation, but salvation. Satan now has to devise a new battlefront, to break the bonds between us and Christ, the one who defeated Lucifer and proved his powerlessness.
There is a lake of fire preserved for Satan. And as members of the Body of Christ baptized with fire, we can be that fire as Christ saves more. His weeping and gnashing is nothing more than his anger of failure, seeing the creation he tried so hard to destroy renewed and deified.
So the lesson of Satan's fall teaches us we have freedom, but we also need to be wary, even in our highest spiritual state. That is why it seems in our sins, Christ perfected us, because now we can taste salvation without taking it for granted. The Angels who stayed with God learned this, and we too will learn this and direct our wills forever Godward, that all creation may be Godward and that every knee shall bow before His Holy Name, an enlightening shine for those who carry His Holy Name in the essence of their beings, and a painful fire for those whose vocation is to try to tarnish the power of His Name.