From every nation, from every tribe, from every tongue.
From every nation, from every tribe, from everywhere.
(Thousands of people standing, the heavenly throne surrounding)2
(Coming from every place)2
من كل الأمم، من كل القبائل، من كل الشعوب.
من كل الأمم، من كل القبائل، من كل لِسَان.
(أمام العرش وقوف، ربوات أُلوف أُلوف)2.
(جاييِن من كل مكان)2.
1- Coming from sorrow and grief, bound and tortured for years.
Dressed so nice and clean, playing their violin.
Those who were redeemed, by the Blood were freed.
I saw them relieved, when they were coming.
1- جاييِن من ضيق وأنين، جاييِن من ظلم سنين.
لابسين مُتسربلين، وعلى القيثارات عازفين.
دول المفديين، بالدم الثمين.
شُفتُهم هاتفين، وهمَّ جاييِن.
2- Before tyrants so great, they defended the faith.
Endured suffering and pain, looking for heavenly gain.
Those who were redeemed, by the Blood were freed.
Walked in the Lord’s fear, when they were coming.
2- أمام الطغاة واقفين، بيتحاكموا وهم صامتين.
عـ الظلم كمان صابرين، ودول للسما ناظرين.
دول المفديين، بالدم الثمين.
شُفتُهم شاكرين، وهمَّ جاييِن.
3- Persecuted for His name, they were killed for His sake.
To the Lord their hearts were raised, their tongues declared their praise.
Those who were redeemed, by the Blood were freed.
Crowns of light they received, when they were coming.
3- وسط الآتون ماشين، جوة السجون راضين.
بالروح متعزيين، وبيسوع مسبيين.
دول المفديين، بالدم الثمين.
شُفتُهم فرحين، وهمَّ جاييِن.
4- In the midst of fire walking inside prisons singing.
By the Spirit comforted, and by Jesus guided.
Those who were redeemed, by the Blood were freed.
Their blessings we need, when they were coming.
4- بهوان وآلام عايشين، وصعاب وعذاب شايفين.
بأمان وسلام شاعرين، وصوت التهليل رافعين.
دول المفديين، بالدم الثمين.
شُفتُهم غالبين، وهمَّ جاييِن.
5- Their bodies were cut with spears, they were brave, never feared.
In their eyes I saw tears, in their hearts joy and cheers.
Those who were redeemed, by the Blood were freed.
Departed in peace, when they were coming.
5- تُرسِ الإيمان ماسكين، خوذة الخلاص حاملين.
قوات العدو غالبين، وأمجاد السما وارثين.
دول المفديين، بالدم الثمين.
شُفتُهم واثقين، وهمَّ جاييِن.
6- Dressed in white so neat, ready for the Lord to meet.
Voice of welcome they hear, from saints and angels near.
Those who were redeemed, by the Blood were freed.
Saw the glorious scene, when they were coming.
6- بيض الثياب لابسين، ولبيت الآب رايحين.
دا ملايكة وقديسين، بصوت الترحيب قابلين.
دول المفديين، بالدم الثمين.
شُفتُهم كاملين، وهمَّ جاييِن.