Annual Days - سنوي

1. Vespers & Matins Raising of Incense - رفع بخور عشية وباكر
1. Full Service (21)
2. The Verses of Cymbals (8)
3. Doxologies
1. Introduction and Conclusion (2)
2. Intercessors (13)
3. Apostles (7)
4. Martyrs (22)
5. Saints (25)
4. Deacon Responses (16)
2. Psalmody - الإبصلمودية
Midnight Praises (Sunday) (30)
The English Translation of St. Antony Monastery, CL (27)
Vespers Praises (Saturday) (9)
Weekdays Psalies (5)
Weekdays Theotokeias (16)
3. The Divine Liturgy - القداس الإلهي
1. The Offertory تقديم الحمل
Deacon Responses (4)
Full Prayer (12)
2. The Liturgy of the Word قداس الكلمة
Deacon Responses (3)
Full Service (12)
3. The Liturgy of the Believers قداس المؤمنين
1. The Creed & Reconciliation Prayers قانون الإيمان وصلوات صلح (8)
2. Annual Aspasmoses أسبسموسات سنوي (8)
3. St. Basil Anaphora أنافورا القديس باسيليوس (21)
4. St. Gregory Anaphora أنافورا القديس غريغوريوس (20)
5. St. Cyril Anaphora أنافورا القديس كيرلس (32)
6. Fraction Prayers صلوات قسم (19)
7. Communion Hymns, Melodies & Songs مدائح وترانيم التوزيع (11)
8. Deacon Responses مردات الشماس (29)
9. People Responses مرادات الشعب (32)
Order of the Church Book (Tarteeb Al-Beya) (1)

Bible Readings - قراءات من الإنجيل

Selected Gospels - مختارات من الإنجيل
Selected Psalms - مختارات من المزامير (4)
The Coptic Katameros Readings - قراءات قبطية من الكطامارس (3)
The Gospel of St. John the Beloved - إنجيل يوحنا الحبيب (21)

Fasts - أصوام

Apostles' Fast - صوم الرسل
Matins, Vespers, & Liturgy (16)
Vespers & Midnight Tasbeha (2)
Great Lent - الصوم الكبير
Andeel (Unction Prayer) (1)
Aspasmoses (3)
Communion Melodies (18)
Doxologies (5)
Midnight Praises (17)
Vespers Praises (10)
Weekdays (Mon-Fri) (11)
Weekends & The Last Friday (10)
Sundays Readings (7)
Holy Pascha Week - أسبوع الآلام
Bright Saturday
The Book of the Revelation of St. John the Beloved (27)
The Liturgy (6)
The Praises and Matins (31)
General Hymns for the Week (14)
Good Friday (21)
Holy Thursday (1)
The General Funeral (11)
Jonah's Fast - صوم يونان (14)
Lazarus Saturday - سبت لعازر (18)
Nativity (Kiahk, The Mary Month) - صوم الميلاد
Liturgy (25)
Communion Hymns (4)
Midnight Psalmody - 7 & 4 (8)
Vespers & Matins (12)
Vespers Praises (129)
The Virgin Mary - صوم العذراء مريم (8)

Feasts - أعياد

Festive Days - أيام فرح
29th of Every Coptic Month (8)
Days between the Feasts of the Ascension and Pentecost (2)
Resurrection Day to the 39th Day
Communion Hymns (7)
Midnight Praises (5)
The Sundays Readings (6)
Major Feasts of The Lord - الأعياد السيدية الكبار
Liturgy (8)
Vespers & Matins (2)
Vespers & Midnight Tasbeha (5)
Liturgy (20)
Vespers & Matins (8)
Vespers & Midnight Tasbeha (3)
Hosanna Sunday
General Funeral (الجناز العام) (1)
Liturgy (القداس) (26)
Raising Incense of Matins & Vespers (رفع بخور عشية وباكر) (17)
Matins Procession (دورة باكر) (25)
Vespers & Midnight Praise (تسبحة عشية ونصف الليل) (10)
Liturgy (26)
Matins (12)
Paramone (30)
Vespers & Midnight Tasbeha (15)
Liturgy (18)
Sagda (1)
Vespers & Matins (10)
Vespers & Midnight Tasbeha (3)
Communion Hymns & Songs (5)
Liturgy (28)
Matins (11)
Midnight Tasbeha (9)
Theophany (Immersion)
Liturgy (19)
Matins (8)
Midnight Tasbeha (19)
Paramon (12)
The Blessing of the Water (Laqan)
Minor Feasts of The Lord - الأعياد السيدية الصغار
Christ’s Entry to Egypt (12)
Christ’s Entry to the Temple (4)
Circumcision (11)
Holy Thursday
Matins (8)
The Laquan (Blessing of the Water) (16)
The Liturgy (7)
The New Sunday (Thomas Sunday) (4)
Transfiguration (20)
Wedding of Cana of Galilee (13)
Other Feasts - أعياد اخرى
Laquan (Blessing of the Water) (22)
Vespers & Midnight Tasbeha (2)
Vespers, Matins & Liturgy (12)
Nayrouz (Coptic New Year) (20)
The Cross
Liturgy (21)
Vespers & Matins (7)
Matins' Procession
Vespers & Midnight Tasbeha (2)
Saints Feasts - أعياد القديسين
St. Mark (Annual) (8)
General Glorification (Tamgeed of St.Mary) (23)
Intercessors (1)
Archangel Gabriel (6)
Archangel Michael (7)
Archangel Raphael (6)
Archangel Suriel (3)
St. John the Baptist
St. Mary (5)
The 24 Presbyters (Priests) (6)
The 4 Incorporeal Creatures (4)
The Heavenly (2)
Martyrs (7)
Any Martyr (All) (6)
St. Abanoub (4)
St. Demiana (1)
St. George (8)
St. Marina (The Martyr) (1)
St. Mina (10)
St. Philopater Mercurius (2)
St. Stephen (7)
Sts. Sergios & Bachus (5)
Prophets (1)
Saints (4)
Pope Kyrillos VI (4)
St. Abraam (2)
St. Antony the Great (5)
St. Athanasius the Apostolic
St. Bishoy (1)
St. Karas the Anchorite (1)
St. Moses the Black (5)
St. Paul The 1st Hermet (2)
St. Reweis (Teji) (4)
St. Shenouda the Archimandrite (8)
St. Thomas the Hermit (6)
Sts. Maximos & Dometius (3)

Other Liturgical & Sacramental Services - خادمات ليتورجية

Andeel (The Unction of the Sick) - القنديل (37)
Consecrations تكريس
Bishops أساقفة
Deacons شمامسة (4)
Priests قسوس (1)
Holy Matrimony - Crowning Ceremony - الإكليل (40)
Preparation of the Holy Myron - عمل الميرون المقدس
The Sagda Prayer (The Prostrations) - السجدة (29)
Welcoming Ceremony For New Priests - طقس إستقبال الكاهن الجديد (6)

Poems by H.H. Pope Shenouda III - قصائد للبابا شنودة الثالث (26)

Songs - ترانيم

A (18)
B (6)
C (11)
D (4)
E (2)
F (9)
Full Albums
Fairuz Good Friday & Eastern Songs (10)
G (5)
H (18)
I (21)
J (9)
K (3)
L (9)
M (22)
N (4)
O (21)
P (3)
R (1)
S (14)
T (22)
V (1)
W (14)
Y (11)

Special Occasions & Hymns - مناسبات وألحان خاصة

Greek Parts - القطع الرومي (10)
Papal Hymns - ألحان البابا (23)
The Period of the Patriarch’s Departure - فترة نياح البطريرك (13)